Posted by Mysto the Magi on Oct 31st, 2003
I have loved the Khyber Cobra trick ever since I was a kid and saw it performed at the Boston Magirama/Magical. It is just one of those tricks that is so fun it just sticks in your head. It’s a classic. Collector’s Workshop makes a terrific remote controlled version of it. But since my lottery number hasn’t come up yet, I have developed this version. Its main advantage is that it is cheap to...
Posted by Mysto the Magi on Feb 10th, 2003
Jeez! Louise! These things can cost between $10 to $30!!! I can make a match pull for pennies and a dozen snowstorms for three dollars worth of tissue paper that I can buy in the grocery store. Sure it takes a little time to make ‘em. But that is what hobbies are all about. Taking the time make something that works, all by yourself. There is a certain pride and joy in that. At least there is for...