The Best-Kept Secret in Magic

Larry HassImagine you are reading the trick section of one the magic magazines:

The Effect: You have a magic experience that is profoundly transformational. Afterward, the world looks different to you, filled with fresh possibilities. Whereas before, your forward path was cloudy and unclear, you now feel inspired by new ideas, great, new performance material, and new friends.

The Secret:

. . . . Well, before sharing the secret, let me tell you that we have been performing this particular piece of magic for many years and we know from countless participants that it truly blows their minds. Magic doesn’t get much stronger than this. Imagine: a magic experience that lingers for days, weeks, and even months afterward!

The secret method behind this wonderful effect is simple: attend the Magic and Meaning Conference in Las Vegas this coming October 19-22, 2011.

As magicians, you may read the secret and think, “Oh, it’s only that” or “I already know how that works.” But trust me: if you haven’t ever tried this secret method, you can’t really know how powerful is this effect. Over and over, participants tell us, “I had no idea! If I had known what this really was, I would have come years ago.”

This is exactly why I think the Magic and Meaning Conference is one of the best-kept secrets in magic: it is right there, out in the open, but the transformational effects cannot be “known in the head.” Like so many of the best things in life—such as love, art, or a wonderful meal—you have to plunge in to feel the rush. And that is not for everyone.

But it may be for you. Here are some things about the 2011 Magic and Meaning Conference that might inspire you to take the plunge:

  • The experience is not a convention; it is a genuine conference. Alongside shows and performances by conference attendees, the long weekend features over 15 twenty-minute presentations by attendees and faculty on a variety of topics relating to the powerful, effective performance of magic. There is nothing else like it in contemporary magic.
  • There is great magic being performed and taught everywhere you look. The Conference is intentionally timed to overlap with one of Jeff McBride’s smash-hit Wonderground experiences, and there will be many small-group and one-on-one magic learning opportunities.
  • You have the opportunity to share your knowledge and/or perform for the group. It is easy to make a proposal for a presentation or performance at the Conference; for details, please consult the Call for Presentations and Performances.
  • You will get to spend face-to-face, high-quality time with world-leading magicians and teachers, including Jeff McBride, Eugene Burger, Bob Neale, Tobias Beckwith, Bryce Kuhlman, George Parker, Kenton Knepper, and (ahem) me.
  • Last year we inaugurated a special show by “The Nealists”—featuring performances of Bob Neale’s magic by Jeff McBride, Eugene Burger, Larry, Hass, George Parker, and Barry Fernelius. This show, followed by an energizing conversation with Bob Neale himself, was such a hit that we are creating another Nealist show this year, featuring performances by you.

    The Nealists, 2010

    The Nealists, Magic & Meaning 2010

  • This year we will actively celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the McBride Magic & Mystery School: “Twenty Years of the World’s Most Progressive Magic Events.” This look at the Past, Present, and Future of the School—including the early Mystery Schools themselves—is not to be missed.
  • Special Bonus Reason from Marjorie Hass: “This is the one magic event I make it a point to attend with Larry every year. It is the best magic event for partners and spouses of magicians, and a great community for creative people of all sorts. The Conference is also especially welcoming to women—performers and non-performers alike.”

If you are reading this, I suspect that you are already standing at the edge of the diving board, thinking hard about taking the plunge. I know that making this kind of decision and investment can be complicated. But the simple fact is that the Magic and Meaning Conference is one of the very best things going on in contemporary magic, and we really hope you will come and join us.

Please go back and read the effect: that is what the Magic and Meaning Conference is all about.

For more information about the conference and to register, please visit the website.

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